for Gas Engines
and utilization for power generation
design, supply and construction of anaerobic systems

Cleaning and drying systems


A renewable fuel, biogas is generated in the process of anaerobic digestion of the organic content of municipal sewage, municipal waste and landfills. Although it has multiple applications, biogas most commonly is used in internal combustion engines burned to create electricity and heat.

This gas is produced by the anaerobic digestion process of the organic content of buried waste. The electricity created usually is pumped into the national grid, where electricity manufacturers that are considered “clean” receive a special premium.

Local power plants that rely on natural gas can benefit from cogeneration and trigeneration technologies to generate electricity and thermal energy.
As a leader in engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) gas-engine based services, Madei Taas (MT) designs, supplies, constructs and services natural gas combined heat and power (cogeneration); combined cooling, heat and power (trigeneration); biogas; landfill gas; and syngas-powered plants.
A privately owned company founded in 1975, we have more than 20 years of experience in the energy production field highlighted by proven applications involving gas exploitation and production of electricity and thermal energy. Moreover, we support our valued customers by sharing our knowledge, abilities, and expertise.
As a licensed distributor of the INNIO Jenbacher and INNIO Waukesha brands, we have an installed base of 40 of INNIO‘s gas engines, representing 45 MW of power generation. INNIO manufactures gas engines up to 10 MWe capacity for applications that use natural gas and other gases. MT specializes in establishing local cogeneration and trigeneration plants for industrial companies and institutions using INNIO Jenbacher gas engines to meet our customers’ full electricity and thermal energy needs.

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Design, supply, construct and provide maintenance services for Natural Gas CHP (co-generation and Tri-generation) and power plants utilizing Biogas, Landfill gas and Syngas.
MT is most proud of its knowledge and abilities; our team is sure to implement our sharing policy - spreading our knowledge for the sake of our loyal customers and the prosperity of the global gas industry.

INNIO Jenbacher and Waukesha are manufacturers of Gas engines up to 10MWe capacity for the various application using Natural gas and Non-Natural gases
MT is a Chanel Partner of INNIO - JENBACHER and WAUKESHA brands.
Together with the support of INNIO, over 20 years of our operations in the field of energy production, MT has accumulated knowledge and reputation in terms of applications of various types of gas exploitation and production of electricity and
thermal energy.
It is our known specialty to establish Power Plants of local Cogeneration/Trigeneration in behalf of industrial companies and institutions, in order to provide them with their full electricity consumption and thermal energy - using Jenbacher's
Gas engines.